Today I am finishing up my series on increasing your happiness. If you want to start with the first post in the series, you can read the original article here.
Otherwise, lets discuss # 7, celebration. For those of you who have been following the series, you may notice that this post has been delayed, in fact, the reason this was delayed was that I was celebrating with my family a milestone birthday and anniversary. While I was engaged in being present with my family I had to let some things with my business go with the full intention of continuing with my work when I returned. Altough it meant that I could potentially delay some income and I would have more work when I returned, it ALSO meant that I was able to celebrate my life!
These family celebrations are a vital part of a happy life. It has been said by many that a happy life is made of moments of happiness. The key to increasing your happiness,when you are celebrating, is to be present and mindful. If you are thinking about work that you have to do and your to do list, then you are not living the moment to its fullest. You are essentially missing out on life and reducing your happiness.
If you are truly interested in increasing your happiness, taking time out to celebrate is important. Maybe you are good at celebrating big occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, well I have news for you, there is more celebrating to do. The seemingly minor and smaller celebrations increase your moments of joy and gratitude for what is going well in your life. Celebrating the small things also focuses your energy on the good things in your life instead of what needs to be fixed or improved. Human nature is to focus on what needs to be fixed. As you shift your focus, your mood improves, and your level of happiness.
So take some time to do some mini-celebrations during your day, month, and year. What are some things you enjoy doing and you can see as a celebration? For instance, for many parents kids are going back to school this month, you can celebrate that you had a wonderful summer. On the other hand, if all of you are excited that school is starting, celebrate this new beginning. You can celebrate that you ate vegetables all week, that you said NO to something that you didn’t want to do, or simply that you had a great day! Find the celebration, if you look I know you will be able to find something to celebrate! The possibilities are endless.
As usual if you want to increase your joy contact me for a free, no-obligation strategy session.

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