I looked at the date today and had a bit of a panic attack. Can it be? Is it actually almost Halloween? My kids love Halloween, and for that reason I enjoy it as well. It is a fun time of year full of candy, costumes, and dress-up. On the other hand, Halloween marks the beginning of the Holiday season, that crazy time of parties, shopping, traveling, preparing for guests… the list goes on.
When I start to see the Halloween decorations go up at my local store I already feel the anxiety that comes along with being an adult during this busy time of year. I am making an effort each day to manage my time and combat overwhelm. I know if I continue to follow the steps I am taking now, I will make it through the busy season with JOY. If you get the same feeling I do when the end of the year comes around, here are two tips to get you through the next couple of months.
When you feel stressed, remember to
Breathe: When you are running from activity to activity and feel like you just won’t be able to do it all, BREATHE. Literally. Take 60 seconds, set a timer on your phone, close your eyes, and breathe. Taking mini breaks during your day will help your day flow and allow you the space to enjoy the moment, and accomplish more.
Obligations: We all have things we feel like we have to do. Make a list of all the parties and other obligations that you have to attend or feel like you have to do during this busy time. Now go back and really think about what you have on your list as shoulds. What can you let go of? What can you change about each item that can improve your experience or make easier for you? For instance do you have to attend a potluck? How can you make the dish you take easier on you?
Take the time to focus on what you really need to do and breathe!
If you enjoyed this post and would like help with more tips on getting through the holidays, please register for my free virtual workshop on November 12, 7 PM Pacific time, Here is the link.

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