May is National Meditation Month!
Although meditation is more mainstream, there are still so many people who just don’t do it.
I have seen first hand meditation help so many people including myself. I am passionate about teaching people how to meditate and finding ways to include meditation as part of a good self-care routine.
The biggest questions and concerns that I hear about meditation are:
1. I don’t have time to meditate
2. I don’t know how to meditate
Today, as part of Meditation Month, I am going to address the concern “I don’t have time to meditate.” The mantra “I don’t have time” seems to be such a big part of our culture and vocabulary that I don’t think we really give it much thought before uttering those words.
If you ask five meditation teachers how long you should meditate to see benefits, you will most likely get five different answers. I am a big proponent of fitting in practices into your daily life.
Most of my clients will start with meditating for 3-5 minutes once a day. By meditating for a few minutes you are stopping your routine and just being for a few minutes. I am positive you can find 3-5 minutes to begin meditating.
So my challenge to you today is to set a timer and meditate for three minutes. Check in how you feel before and how you feel after you are done.
Next week I will address the second biggest concern: “I don’t know how to meditate!”
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