Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to get it? Have you felt like you were trying so hard but just can’t seem to get what you want? If you are being honest with yourself, you would admit this has happened at least once, we have all been at this place in our lives once or more likely more than once. In my life and the lives of my clients I have noticed that when they really want something, instead of pushing, allowing things to happen is more effective. I am not saying that in order to get what you want you lock yourself in your room and pray/meditate. What I am saying is that a good balance of taking steps towards achieving your goal and allowing flow seems to be the ideal combination. After all if all you are doing is keeping your head down and working, when are you going to look up and notice that you are getting there or even the signs of help. How would you notice your progress or more importantly the beauty of the journey.
I know for some people “help” is a four letter word.. well it is but you know what I mean. Many of us have trouble asking for help, mostly this is because our culture values independence or we may have received help in the past with strings attached. We all have received help in some way or another in our live, whether it was in the form of a friendly smile or someone rolling up their sleeves. When we are open to receive help we are also able to give help and pay it forward. We are species that needs connection, we need connection to survive and rely on each other on a daily basis. Even if you feel like you have done it all on your own, our daily tasks as simple as filling gas or turning our lights on wouldn’t be completed without all the people who work for companies or own their own companies providing those services.
By allowing flow you are also able to enjoy the journey. I know sometimes it feels like it would be great to snap our fingers and get what we want. Believe me I have been there. That would be exciting and fun for awhile and it would get old pretty soon. Part of the rewards of achieving our goals is the journey. Think about things you have accomplished in the past, what have you learned along the way? How would your life be different if you hadn’t had those experiences?
Allowing your life to flow, enjoying the journey, taking action, receiving or giving help when necessary all help us reach our goals. If you feel yourself exhausted, overworked or simply overwhelmed you may be in the pushing mode. If this is the case for you, take some time off, preferably in fresh air and just allow yourself to be. Take some time to journal or use one of the strategies I discussed in my blog about sloowwwing down.
As always, if you need help implementing flow in your life contact me for a complimentary clarity session.

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