Do you De-clutter your Physical Space? Engage in any type of Spring Cleaning?
If you do, you understand how good your space feels once your done. In the same way it is important to clear our your physical space, it is also important to energetically clear our your life and business.
This is the time of year that renewal comes naturally. So use it to your advantage.
Energetic clearing is not just the clearing of stale energy. It is also taking a look at where you energy and efforts are going each day.
How do you spend your time? Do your actions align with your Vision. As a heart-centered individual you will notice that living out of alignment feels every stressful.
So if you feel out alignment or stressed… Take a deep breath… Here are some steps you can take to start the spring cleaning of your life.
- Write down everything that you need to do but haven’t done yet. Include everything, don’t edit as you go, just write it all down.
- Take a look at how you spend your time. Track your time for a week or if you can recall the last week write down everything you have done. I have found this works best if you do it during the week, because it is easy to forget what you did with your time.
- Now look at what you “have to do” and delete what is not in alignment with your goals and your vision for your life/business.
- Look at how you spend your time and cancel or delay the things that don’t align with your Vision. Also, anything that feels too heavy and draining, decide if you can delegate the task or just delete it!
- Finally, plug in what you have in your “to do” list into your calendar (in your new empty slots). While you are at it add some breathing time, you time, and rejuvenation.
If you need help with this process, clarity on your Vision or accountability on getting there. Contact me for a complimentary Clarity Session.

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