We are all connected. Our actions, although we may not be aware how, impact others and create a ripple effect. How you show up in your family, at work or even at a coffee shop has an impact.
The day you smiled at someone who needed support, you make a difference. The day you cut someone off in traffic, you had an impact. Each day, how you show up has an impact.
The act of competition and comparison has a profound impact on how we show up energetically and physically in the world. It impacts your willingness to feel good about yourself, and celebrate the success of another.
How does comparison show up for you in your life? Does it serve to make you feel better or worse? I am willing to bet that it usually ends up with you feel worse.
As a HSP, or highly sensitive person, your natural tendency is to compare because you want to belong and looking at others is one way to gauge if you fit in.
Embracing your unique strengths without putting down another will bring you great satisfaction.
Celebrating the success of another and seeing it as what is possible instead of what you don’t have will also lift you up. Seeing possibilities can serve as motivation to propel you forward.
Take a moment and examine how comparison shows up for you, how does it effect you. Can you shift your perception in those moments? Can you change how you see the comparison, if you can you will shift how you feel.
If you need support shifting your perception, understanding how to thrive in the world as a HSP/Heart-centered/Intuitive, Click here to set up a complimentary Clarity Session.
Wishing you high energy to show up in your uniqueness.

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