I feel liked I looked up from my phone, and computer and realized that is already the middle of January. On Monday we celebrate an American Hero, Martin Luther King.
As we go through our days it is often easy to forget how far we have come. As a society we have more rights for all of humanity. Don’t misunderstand me, I totally get that we have a long way to go! I want to take this weekend and Monday to not only remember Martin Luther King, Jr., but also all the people that were behind working for civil rights. There are many unsung heroes that worked behind the scenes, others who fought in small towns and didn’t gain recognition, and also remember those that gave their lives for freedom and equal rights.
As a woman today I look back even one generation, when I really reflect on the progress, I am grateful. Today, because of the efforts of others, I can vote, attend University, run a business, own property, work in a corporate job, all things that I take for granted everyday. Of course, there are many things that I hope the next generation will change, For instance, I hope that women are treated as equals and earn the same pay as men. Women around the world will not be assaulted and then told it was their fault. I am sure you have things you would like to add to this list. As I talk to women there are many stories that I hear which I truly hope will not be repeated.
Take this weekend and day to reflect on how far we’ve come and remember all the sacrifices it took to take us to where we are today.
This last week I have two strong women that I know and admire launch books. I am so proud of both of them. Minette Riordan’s book “The Artful Marketer”, download here she is offering a complimentary kindle edition for a few days. She is a successful entrepreneur and coach who has helped empower many women.
If you are interested in implementing change in your life, please contact me to set up a no obligation, complimentary strategy session. Click here to book

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