For HSP/heart-centered woman, the holidays already have the potential to trigger overwhelm, anxiety, and bring up all our limiting beliefs. We usually spend more time around family and this can trigger some of our past programming.
Add to this scenario the increased family interaction, the additional social events, the preparations for any shopping, not sleeping the same or in our own beds, potential travel, not being able to eat our foods you can see how OVERWHELM can take over!
The end result for some HSP’s is feeling disconnected, not enough, and even getting sick.
This past weekend I had the honor of attending a family wedding. This experience has the potential for so much joy, fun and laughter. It also amplifies the potential for OVERWHELM and the potential results of being overwhelmed.
As HSP’s we tend to put unrealistic expectations on these events.
The family wedding, the holidays, we are stressed, and our feelings of not feeling not enough can be amplified because these events never measure up to how they are “supposed to be.” The messages we have been given of how things are supposed to be are just not reality.
So yes, I have fun during the holidays, yes I had fun dancing the night away at the family wedding. I had fun spending time with my loved ones and reconnecting with family that I don’t get to see. AND I was also triggered over and over again.
How can you go through the holidays without overwhelm taking over?
I have a choice, and so do you of how you show up, how you see these events, managing your expectations, taking care of yourself and allowing some time to process.
Going into this time of year, not expecting perfection.
Manage what you think others should do for you or how they should behave.
Remember that we are all have our own inner struggles,
If we have expectations of others, of events, we are setting ourselves up to be disappointed. This quote by a Sri Sri Ravi Shankar sums this up:
“Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In Fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your own mind.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Instead, set intentions. How do you want to feel? How do you want to show up? What will you to ask for what you want? To take care of yourself? And be open to receive the joy that is possible?

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