For many this time of year can bring up strong emotions. Family can be a source of great joy and great sadness. As a heart-centered individual you are not able to let go of interaction as easily. As a deep feeler family can:
Push your buttons like no one else.
Tap into the part of you that feels like you are not good enough
Bring up past trauma
Regress you to childhood behavior/memories
and much more….
Just like with all events in our lives, we can only control our reaction to these events. Setting intentions creates the energy in your interactions with family.
How do you react when you are with family?
What comes up for you?
What story do you tell yourself about the holidays?
Is this working for you?
If you are ready to change how you react to the holidays, here are some tips to help support you. Remember the 5 “B’s”
- BE Truthful: Be truthful with yourself, how do you really feel, take responsibility for your reaction/actions.
- Be Conscious: Choose how you want to react. How do you want to show up with your family?
- Boundaries: Set boundaries. A boundary is what you are and are not willing to do. Decide what you are willing to do and what you aren’t willing to do.
- Be strong: Once you decide be strong, remember why you are choosing to set boundaries with family.
- Balance: Taking care of yourself is important during the entire year, but especially during this time of year. Consciously choose what you need to stay healthy physically, and emotionally.
As you move into the holiday keep these 5 “B’s” in mind to help support you.
If you need support with relationship in your life, I would love to talk to you.
Email me now for a complimentary Relationship Clarity session.

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