5 Ways to Feed Your Soul & Rise into Your Leadership

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    Have you ever started something with full motivation and then time passes and you find yourself procrastinating and not taking steps toward your goal? In this video I remind you of two simple steps you can take to reignite your motivation. Enjoy, As always, if you need help reigniting motivation.    

    Reigniting Motivation

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Have you ever gone somewhere or done something even though a part of you said NO! Don’t! Then, you promptly regret your decision. How many times have you ignored the part of yourself that speaks to you in whispers, an uncomfortable feeling, or simply a sense of knowing? Last week I wrote about how we […]

    Intuition… Gut Instinct.. What is it and Why should I care?

    How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

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    As I write this I am taking a break to cough in between phrases and sentences. I had so many things and tasks I needed to complete this week and was working diligently to meet my monthly goals. I now realize this month’s I have been sick twice, which is not normal for me. So […]

    3 Strategies to Slowww Down

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Paper in a window reading "mindfulness"

    We are surrounded by the message that we need to give gratitude, we need to be grateful. Alright I get it, but sometimes you need a reminder on ways to express your gratitude, watch my video for more 🙂  

    Expressing Gratitude

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Stress! Are you stressed during this holiday season? Running errands, attending parties, hosting parties, buying gifts, attending kids’ events, shopping, and the list goes on! With your to do list growing I am willing to bet that meditation is not the highest priority on your “to do” list if it even made it to your […]

    Meditation and Meditative State vs. Stress

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    I don’t know about you but for me lately it has been a little stressful to check my inbox, go shopping, or even listen to the radio/watch TV. I feel inundated with sales, BUYNOW! and commercials for perfectly decorated homes, wonderfully dressed hostesses/hosts and perfectly dressed kids. These commercials advertise things that supposedly make our […]

    3 Quick steps to Combat Overconsumption

    Developing Self-Compassion

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    In the age of social media overload, our masks of perfection are stronger than ever. Although in some ways we are more connected through social media, in other ways we are more isolated from real human contact. I know I am grateful for social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIN. Through these networks […]

    4 Tips to “Removing the Mask of Perfection”

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Managing a precious resource like time is essential to a productive and happy life. What if you have spent time prioritizing and scheduling your day and still struggle with getting things done? What now? Here are 5 steps you can take to effectively manage your time.

    5 Steps to Better Time Management

    How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

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    Woman with a hat on reads a colorful book at a white desk

    When you wake up in the morning does your to-do list play in your head?  Even worse, do your “to-do’s” wake you up in the middle of the night. Everywhere I turn and everyone I talk to seems to say they are very busy. In fact, the answer to the question “How are you?” is […]

    I Don’t Have Time for Self-Care!

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Do feel like you are stuck, unfulfilled and just simply burnt out? Are you ready to learn to move past your blocks and into your purposeful Leadership? Then this guide is for you. Click below to claim your free gift!

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