You can’t turn on the Television, pick up a magazine, or even fill gas in your car without coming across an advertisement for pain relief. We are surrounded by medications to help with different types of pain. Before you go, I am not going to tell you to suffer and not use these medications, what […]
If you start to research anxiety or anxiousness, worry, stress, insomnia you will find so many solutions. Some of them are contradictory and others are supportive. In my work with clients over the years there are a three things that I have found that can help decrease stress. When you decrease your stress you are […]
These past few years have been a time of tremendous growth and self-understanding. Through this process I have had to let go of so many people and things that I thought were valuable. At this point in my journey I am compelled to share with you the knowledge that I have gained. My hope is that […]
Did you start the year with the intention of keeping your home or office more organized? How is that working for you? Are you ready to get your home or office back into shape? In this video I share a simple way to re-organize your space.
Have you ever started something with full motivation and then time passes and you find yourself procrastinating and not taking steps toward your goal? In this video I remind you of two simple steps you can take to reignite your motivation. Enjoy, As always, if you need help reigniting motivation.
As I write this I am taking a break to cough in between phrases and sentences. I had so many things and tasks I needed to complete this week and was working diligently to meet my monthly goals. I now realize this month’s I have been sick twice, which is not normal for me. So […]