5 Ways to Feed Your Soul & Rise into Your Leadership

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    Self-compassion for the HSP/Empath

    Do you struggle with negative, hurtful, and degrading self-talk? It can be so difficult to practice self-compassion as most of us are our harshest critics. The way that we self talk, directly effects how we both take care of and treat ourselves. Making mistakes in life does not make you any less worthy of self-love, […]

    The Enlightened Heart Podcast


    Coping Mechanism for HSPs/Empaths During the Corona Coaster

    How to Live/Thrive as an empath

    How to Practice Self-Compassion When You Feel Like a Failure

    Developing self-compassion

    How Light Can Overcome Darkness

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and burnout

    How to Treat Autoimmune Disorders Holistically

    Living With an Autoimmune Disorder

    Many small lit candles in glass cups on top of a table

    Rituals have always been part of our history. There are religious, cultural, and routines that are a part of the rites of passage.  This last year I have really been focusing on using the energy around me to my advantage instead of trying to fight against it. Since we are in a time where some […]

    Rituals, Connection and Flow

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Are you the type of person that wakes up every morning and feels great! Do you wake up ready to face the day, love your body, love yourself and your life? If so then great!! This post isn’t for you. If you sometimes feel some shame or dislike for your body, your accomplishments, or any […]

    What is Self-Love? Especially as an HSP?

    Developing Self-Compassion

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    We are in a time of intense energy. Even if you have chosen to do less this year or have chosen to set strong boundaries, we are still surrounded by media, social media, and the energy of just being around others. We can’t control what is going on around us but we can control how […]

    Surviving the Holidays as a HSP or Empath

    How to Live/Thrive as an Empath

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    For many this time of year can bring up strong emotions. Family can be a source of great joy and great sadness. As a heart-centered individual you are not able to let go of interaction as easily. As a deep feeler family can: Push your buttons like no one else. Tap into the part of […]

    Relationship for the Heart-Centered

    Developing Self-Compassion

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    Woman with a hat on reads a colorful book at a white desk

    When you wake up in the morning does your to-do list play in your head?  Even worse, do your “to-do’s” wake you up in the middle of the night. Everywhere I turn and everyone I talk to seems to say they are very busy. In fact, the answer to the question “How are you?” is […]

    I Don’t Have Time for Self-Care!

    Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

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    Do feel like you are stuck, unfulfilled and just simply burnt out? Are you ready to learn to move past your blocks and into your purposeful Leadership? Then this guide is for you. Click below to claim your free gift!

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